Do You Want to Go for a Walk?

We love our pets and want to keep them safe.  It’s summertime, and they want to play more than ever.  What can we do to protect them from pests outdoors and indoors?   We want them to have their outdoor time for fun and exercise, but how do we keep them healthy?  We’ve got some tips. 

Have the Right Tools on Hand

A good example of tools for your pet’s health are things like flea collars and flea combs.  Fleas cause itching, pain, and spread disease and parasites like tapeworms.  Grooming tools like a flea comb can help you detect and remove fleas, their eggs, and their droppings.  For preventive maintenance, try a flea collar, and keep tweezers around for tick removal. 

Regular Grooming

Before your pet returns indoors, run your fingers through their fur or over their skin and feel for small bumps, which could be ticks.  Ticks like areas like the ears, eyelids, toes, belly, and neck but are happy to attach anywhere.  Regularly groom your pet or take them to a groomer.  Grooming doesn’t have to be awful for pet and human—many animals enjoy being groomed, and a professional groomer can handle the skittish ones with care. 

Preventive Medications

Heartworm is often spread by mosquitoes, and the best way to let your pet experience the outdoors while keeping them safe from heartworm is through preventive medication.  Some medications are not suitable for certain animals or breeds, so always consult your veterinarian before administering any medication to your pets or livestock. 

A Safe Environment

Make your house and yard less inviting to pests by removing standing water, which mosquitoes use for their larva.  Try cutting your lawn short and weeding garden plots, which gives ticks and other ground-dwelling pests less cover.  Wash your pet’s bedding, bowls, and toys regularly to help guard against mites and fleas. 

Talk to Your Vet

Get to know the signs of discomfort in your pet by talking with their veterinarian.  Animals can’t look at us and say, “My head hurts,” or, “I think I’ve eaten a poisonous plant,” unless you have a parrot or a primate who knows sign language.  Make sure to get them regular checkups and learn your pet’s habits and body language.  They speak loud and clear, but we have to know how to listen.